The Making of a Puppet

Taking the prince as example, Winn Nyunt starts by sculpting the head.

The hand and its joint are being carved.

The workshop of U Ohn.

U Pan Aye (Baba) ties the body parts together.

U Pan Aye (Baba) ties the arm to the body, in such a way that the prince will be able to move his arms freely.

U Pan Aye (Baba) attaches the hand to the arm.

U Ohn paints the face of the prince.

U Ohn paints the face of the prince.

U Ohn ties the traditional top-knot of the prince.

Young woman sews sequins on the pasoe of the prince.

U Pan Aye (Baba) dresses the prince.

U Pan Aye (Baba) dresses the prince.

The final result: the finished prince with U Pan Aye (Baba).