2008 (Book review) Moore, Robin D.:"Music and Revolution. Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba". Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press/Columbia College Chicago, Center for Black Music Research, 2006 In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 84, April 2008. (with Mary Jo Arnoldi) "Puppet Masquerades in Kirango, Mali: Continuity, Innovation, and Changing Contexts". In: S.Belcher, J.Jansen, M.N'Daou (eds.), Mande Mansa: Essays in Honor of David C.Conrad. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2008. 2005 (Book review) Waxer, Lise (ed):"Situating Salsa. Global Markets and Local Meaning in Latin Popular Music". New York and London: Routledge, 2002. In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 79, October 2005. 2003 (Book review) Reily, Suzel A.:"Voices of the Magi: Enchanted Journeys in Southeast Brazil" . Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 2002. In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 75, October 2003. 2002 (with M.Kéïta) "Sogo bò. La fête des masques bamanan". Bamako (printed by Imprim Color) (there is a version in Bamanan as well) (online publication) "Mascaras e Marionetas: Uma Mascarada no Mali." In: C.Zurbach (ed.),. Teatro de Marionetas. Tradiçâo e modernidade. Evora : Casa do Sul (with R. Spoorman) "From Private to Public Archive: Sound Recordings in the Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam." In: G.Berlin and A.Simon (eds.), Music Archiving in the World. Papers Presented at the Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv. Berlijn: VWB – Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung. 2001 "Rhythm, a dance in time". Amsterdam: KIT Press. (ed.) (Book review) Mendoza, Zoila S.: "Shaping Society through Dance. Mestizo Ritual Performance in the Peruvian Andes". Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2000. In: European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 70, April 2001. 2000 "Rhythm to be heard, rhythm to be seen: a masquerade of the Bamana (Mali)." In: Rhythm, a dance in time, E.den Otter (ed.). Amsterdam: KIT Press. 1999 "Ritme, dans in de tijd" (ed.). Amsterdam: KIT Press. "Schudden, slaan, stampen en schrapen. Ritme-instrumenten uit de collectie van het Tropenmuseum." In: Ritme, dans in de tijd, E.den Otter (ed.). Amsterdam: KIT Press. 1997 "Aids! Als ik dat geweten had!" In: Krachten en beelden/Images of power, J.Vogelzang (ed.). Zeist: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tropische Geneeskunde.
"Of dancing masks and men: visible and hidden dancers of the Bamana and Bozo (Mali)." In: The spirit’s dance in Africa, E.Dagan (ed.). Westmount, QC, Canada: Galerie Amrad African Arts Publications.
"Totaaltheater in Peru, Cuba en Mali". In: Theater in mondiaal perspectief, K.Epskamp (red.). Utrecht: Hogeschool voor de Kunst Utrecht. ➤Home |